Saturday, April 3, 2021

Rabbit Jewelry: A Sign of Refinement

Rabbit Jewelry: A Sign of Refinement: Title:Rabbit Jewelry: A Sign of Refinement Summary:There is a certain delight that comes with the sight of rabbit jewelry. The motif is cute and cuddly, and the person wearing it may often be seen as fun to be with, whimsical and affectionate. Keywords:rabbit jewerly Article Body:There is a certain delight that comes with the sight of rabbit jewelry. The motif is cute and cuddly, and the person wearing it may often be seen as fun to be with, whimsical and affectionate. In this day and age, a person wearing rabbit jewelry was likely born in the year of the Rabbit, according to Chinese mythology. Actually, on the subject of the Chinese calendar, when we get down to technicalities, there is no Year of the Cat: legend has it that when the Lord Buddha was summoning the animals of the 12 major branches of the zodiac so he could give them unique talents, the Cat was unable to attend. Due to mix-ups over the centuries, some people born in the year of the Rabbit believe they were born on the year of the Cat. People born in the year of the Rabbit –- and by extension, those who wear rabbit jewelry -- are smart, articulate, talented, virtuous, tactful, and often sophisticat     (Jewelry website)

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