Monday, April 5, 2021

How to choose a diamond?

How to choose a diamond?: Title:How to choose a diamond? Word Count:369 Summary:When buying a diamond it is very easy to get carried away. Before you begin shopping determine a budget. Only you can decide what amount is comfortable for you. But remember - Diamonds are expensive Keywords:diamonds, diamond rings, wedding rings, engagement rings, jewerly, wedding, advice Article Body:Set a Budget When buying a diamond it is very easy to get carried away. Before you begin shopping determine a budget. Only you can decide what amount is comfortable for you. But remember - Diamonds are expensive Know the 4C's Over the years, diamond professionals have developed standards for comparing and evaluating diamonds. These standards are better known as the 4 C's - Carat weight, Color, Clarity, and Cut - which, together, affect the appearance and value of the diamond. A diamond's value is influenced by its rarity. Even the slightest differences can make a huge difference in value. Before purchasing your diamond you should take the time to learn what characteristics influence a diamond's value. Only then can you decide which of the 4C's - Carat weight, Color, Clarity, and Cut - are most important 

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