Sunday, November 22, 2020

Blog Articles

Blog Articles: Abstract Paintings Help Transcend the Limits of Normal Language Abstract paintings are compelling. Many people find that whether they love or hate them, they cannot help but be drawn to them, to engage with them, and to have to contend emotionally with them. An abstraction is a unique concept. It sort of tinkers with our brains, spirits, and emotions in fundamental ways. It takes our minds and pulls, twists, and prods at them in subtle ways that sometimes have surprisingly not-so-subtle results. It is not uncommon for an observer of a certain art piece to literally feel so moved by the experience that they either laugh or cry. I have felt both, and am equally amazed and delighted by the experience. On the surface, abstractions on canvas are just that, something on canvas. There is nothing active or moving. It is, after all, just color and shape and texture applied to a surface. Where the magic begins is when we begin to feel the impact that such things have on our own individual psyche. We start to recognize how the colors and shapes transcend our normal linguistic reliance, and how those things inform our selves in ways that the normal language simply fails to do. This
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