Wednesday, April 22, 2020

12 Raunchy Recipes-The Foods of Love 7pages

12 Raunchy Recipes-The Foods of Love 7pages

12 Raunchy Recipes-The Foods of Love 7pages

Raunchy Recipes—The Foods of Love

Casanova, the 18th-century lover, apparently ate a daily breakfast of at least 50 oysters to

boost his libido. And recently a scientific study vindicated the oyster as being one of the

true aphrodisiacs. Especially in the spring … it sounds almost too poetic to be true but …

scientists have revealed that it is in the legendary season of love that these little molluscs

reveal their strongest qualities as a virility booster.

In fact, quite a few bi-valve mollusks, including clams and oysters contain a rare amino

acid that has been found to trigger increased levels of sex hormones. Just what a

renowned and traditional aphrodisiac is meant to do!

Dr George Fisher, a professor of chemistry at Barry University in Miami, his research

team of graduate students and the Laboratory of Neurobiology in Naples confirmed this

fascinating fact. Using a process of high-performance liquid chromatography they were

able to identify the amino acids D-aspartic acid (D-Asp) and N-methyl-D-aspartate

(NMDA). These are not normal amino acids, according to the scientists and as yet cannot

be found in a vitamin shop or man-made medicine. They are unique to Mother Nature.

Dr D’Aniello from Naples Neurobiology Lab, concurs that oysters are definitely

aphrodisiacs that help to increase the rare hormones in the blood that can stimulate sexual

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