166 Cosmic Laws and Precepts of Consciousness pages 129: 166 Cosmic Laws and Precepts of Consciousness pages 129
April 23, 2020 TwoOldGuysDistributingCo | Edit
All creation is governed by cosmic awareness. The principles
that operate in the outer universe, discoverable by scientists,
are called natural laws. But there are subtler laws that rule
the hidden spiritual planes and the inner realm of
consciousness. Contained within these laws (or conditions) is
the true nature of matter. Knowledge of these laws has an
effect upon the mental urges. Mind is the builder. Stay in full
mindfulness of the application of Universal Law as related to
self and to others, and know that in love all life is given, in love
all things move.
In giving one attains. In giving one acquires. In giving, love
becomes the fulfilment of desire, guided and directed in the
ways that bring the more perfect knowledge of self as related
to the universal, all powerful, all guiding, all divine influence in
life. Love IS life. When we go back, merge with the God Source,
in some infinitesimal but profound way, we expand the Mind of
Our God and higher self always points the best and most
perfect way and it is ours to listen and choose or reject what
we hear. God does not blame, but patiently tries again to show
the perfect way, the loving way. All of creation pushes forth.
We are ever becoming. Identity ever remains!
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