Thursday, July 30, 2020

Mystical Abstract Art

Mystical Abstract Art: Mystical Abstract Art

Mystical Abstract Art

Word Count:

When attempts have been made to describe a work of abstract art many people have used words like “feelings”, “emotions”, and “soul”. I think these words are clues to what is actually happening within both the viewer and the artist.

The world of art and the environment of the mystical go back a long way together with many facets in common with one another – one being that they both seek to look into a deep unknown – and then seek to manifest it into this physical world by o…

mystical,abstract, art,pictures,spiritual

Article Body:
When attempts have been made to describe a work of abstract art many people have used words like “feelings”, “emotions”, and “soul”. I think these words are clues to what is actually happening within both the viewer and the artist.

The world of art and the environment of the mystical go back a long way together with many facets in common with one another – one being that they both seek to look into a deep unknown – and then seek to manifest it into this physical world by one means or another.

Therefore it is understandable that a non-representational picture can be difficult to comment on. The viewer might be “moved” by the artwork, but they may not really know why. I believe it has something to do with their sleeping soul being gently (or violently) shaken into a specific awareness. The earthy physical body may have very little understanding as to what might be happening, so they are left to struggle in explaining a spiritual concept from a physical point of view.

However, as an artist who has acquired (and lives by) a little understanding of certain spiritual aspects, here are my offerings of what I believe happens when a viewer comes across a mystical abstract painting.

In order to do that I want to present the whole episode from all aspects:

The Spirit
One of the Spirit’s major intentions is to bring spiritual understanding into the physical realm. One way to do that is to enter time and manifest a potential opportunity for a receptive body. That receptive body can either be the person being offered the opportunity – or the messenger of it. If they are the messenger then there are many ways in which that message can be put across … and one of them is by producing a provocative illustration or allegory in the form of an abstract painting.

The Messenger
… Or Artist in this case … Or more specifically an artist who is prone to take note of their own inner enigmatic visuals. Once inspired the artist then sets about translating these visions into a personal style of depiction. I think it is quite probable that many an artist will be unconscious of what exactly they are putting down upon the canvas … all they might know is that there is an urgent complusion to work with particular colours, or in a specific style.

The Art
A personalized manifestation of the inner visuals … portrayed on board or canvas – or any other handy appropriate medium at the time. The artist lets the visual take shape in their mind and allows for interpretation into the physical world … which results in an artwork of surreal allegory, or be-riddled story, or just a simple abstract presentation of specific colours or shapes. Each element of the art will include (or be) a potential key ready to allow the appropriate viewer entrance into its intriguing yet creative environment.

The Viewer
A receptive observer viewing the art may initially have an indefinable affinity with it. They are perhaps first emotionally drawn to the image before them. And as their thoughts begin to trigger other thoughts, gradual realizations start to become apparent … gaining strength until they acquire a personal creative understanding seen only by themselves but which may eventually involve others who come into contact with them.

The Gift
The originally unknown vision now begins to unfold its truth within the receptive viewer. This can be in many guises … a simple affirmation … a personal revelation … a specific spiritual, mental, or inner encouragement … an energizing edification for a hungry or floundering soul … offering a sense of contentment within a challenging situation … This gift can be as simple or as complicated as is required for the viewer. Its influence can be timeless – remaining relevant over a period of days, weeks, months, or years.

So the next time you seek to produce a piece of art or decide to visit a gallery do not hesitate or dwell upon any lack within you … rather open your eyes (after all they are supposed to be the windows of the body) and prepare yourself to either see in order to create – or see in order to receive.


Features Lewis Baber Originals


Monday, July 27, 2020

Drawing Tips for Beginners

Drawing Tips for Beginners: Drawing Tips for Beginners

7 Drawing Tips for Beginners

A child’s first scribbling is something which it tries to express if you give a pencil in his hand. Drawing is relatively very simple and an easy skill and is something with which you can have great fun. It is also relatively not a very expensive hobby and can start with paper and a pencil. It can go on till acquiring costly pen and tablets – a computer hardware through which you can draw on your computer. It is very costly; however the precision for perfection is very high.

Unlike earlier days, getting information on drawing and sketching is very easy and inexpensive. You can search information on Google and get various sites which teach drawing. Also, nowadays this art form is liked by many youngsters. Like all other art forms, with constant and systematic practice one can become a great artist.

Listed below are few drawing tips which can help anyone improve their skill and become an artist. Reading and practicing these in your daily routine will improve your skill.

1. If you are drawing and you are right handed person, ensure that the light is from your left side. This will prevent your hand shadow falling on your paper.

2. First step when you practice drawing – you should practice drawing line, straight line, curved line, scribbled lines, and your hand should obey the command of your thoughts and visions. You should control your hand and you should be able to bring out what you want.

3. You should further develop drawing circles, oval shapes, crossed lines and bold and thick lines. Just like how a baby develops from crawling stage to walking stage, your art should also develop step by step.

4. These lines and curves are like pillars to a building. The foundation should be strong enough to have a good building; similarly these initial small lines and curves will go a long way in your career. You should also start controlling the stress on your pencil. You should be able to bring the correct darkness and thickness in the lines what you draw.

5. Initially you will not be able to draw a circle or an oval shape correctly, nevertheless don’t get discouraged. You should practice and practice until you get perfection. You should also keep all your drawings carefully from the start to know how you are improving. You could also date your sketches and preserve it for the future.

6. You should concentrate in the area where you feel you are weak. If you are not able to shade properly then learn more to do that. You can try out your own style of shading. Build your own individuality, never copy from another artist.

7. Last but not the least, use good quality materials. 4B and 6B pencils and good chart paper or note book with good quality paper should be sufficient to start with. Quality definitely matters hence never compromise on quality.

If you are a person who is interested in learning to draw you will be interested to check these Free Drawing Tutorials and also can search for tutorials from drawing search engine.


Features Lewis Baber Originals

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Buying Paintings: Expressionism

Buying Paintings: Expressionism: Buying Paintings: Expressionism
Buying Paintings: Expressionism

When speaking on buying paintings of the Expressionist movement, it is always a good idea to review what elements make Expressionism unique, and to gain an understanding of some of the artists representative of this particular artistic movement. The agreed upon intention of Expressionist artwork is not reproduce a subject accurately, but to instead portray the inner state of the artist, with a tendency to distort reality for an emotional effect. The movement is closely associated with its’ beginnings in Germany, and has a few different but overlapping schools of thought within.

The term Expressionism was first used to describe the movement in the magazine produced in 1911 called “Der Sturm”, and was usually linked to paintings and graphic work that challenged academic traditions at the time. The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche later helped to define the area of modern expressionism better by clarifying the movement’s links to ancient art before any more modern interpretation had, and applied his own unique philosophy to the movement. He has been quoted stating that disordered and ordered elements are present in all works of art, but that the basic traits of Expressionism lay in the mainly disordered aspects.

The Expressionist point of view was usually conveyed through the use of bold colors, distorted forms, and a lack of perspective. Generally, a piece of expressionistic art is one that is expressive of intense emotion, and much of this kind of artwork occurs during times of social upheaval. Though it can be argued that an artist is expressive by nature, and that all artwork is truly expressionist, there are many who consider the movement particularly communicative of emotion. Later on, artists like Kandinsky changed 20th century Expressionist work through the formation of Abstract Expressionism.

The art historian Antonín Matějček was elemental in coining the term as the opposite to the Impressionist movement as well, and though Expressionism seems well defined as an artistic movement, there have never been a group of artists that called themselves Expressionists. The movement was primarily German and Austrian, and many of the different groups of thought were based around Germany at the time. Another artistic movement that heavily influenced Expressionism was Fauvism. This kind of artwork is characterized by primitive, less naturalistic forms, and includes the works of famed painters Paul Gauguin and Henri Matisse.

With this influence firmly in place, Expressionism grew into striking compositions that focused on representing emotional reactions through powerful use of color and dynamic approaches with subject matter, and seemed to counter the qualities centered on by the French Impressionism of the time. Where French Impressionism was to seek rendering the visual appearance of objects, Expressionism became an opposing movement seeking to capture emotions and subjective interpretation, and it was not important to reproduce a visually pleasing interpretation of the matter that the painting represented.

Expressionism has crossed over into many differing fields of artistic vision, with sculpture and filmmaking being primary examples today, and have influenced many people throughout the course of its’ existence as a movement in art. These visions have combined over time to create the comprehensive idea of what Expressionism has become, and many people have found this type of art very appealing and eye-catching. Throughout this century, much Expressionistic artwork has come to be representative of what art can come to be, and many people have been influenced by this very emotional artwork.


Features Lewis Baber Originals

Thursday, July 23, 2020

How to Look at Modern Art

How to Look at Modern Art: POSTED ON JULY 23, 2020 BY FGB

How to Look at Modern Art
There are many who look at the highly creative world of modern art with confusion and maybe a little bit of distain. Because so much modern art is nonrepresentational, it isn’t easy to understand what the artist is trying to say. But even if there are figures and images in the artwork, so often it resembles a dream where relationships and juxtapositions of images can be confusing and hard to interpret.

The artists who work in modern art sometimes make that interpretation just as difficult by adding illogical names to the art work or even no names at all. Who hasn’t looked at a Jackson Pollack piece that is simply titled the date the artist finished the work and thought, “Well, that doesn’t help understand it at all.”

The key to modern art however, is to let go of the need for representational images. The artist is communicating through a completely different approach to the act of creating art. Modern art is almost entirely intuitive. While we view representational art both with our minds and our souls, the modern artwork is best viewed almost entirely though that side of your personality that is spiritual, emotional, intuitive and with the artistic instincts of the soul.

This means that you approach viewing a piece of modern art differently than you would a representational piece. Here is a method for absorbing and appreciating what the artist is trying to say to you.

· Suspend your judgment of the piece until the entire viewing is over. Don’t “try to figure it out”. Simply allow the piece to speak to you intuitively as it comes off of the canvas or pedestal.

· Start out standing far enough back from the piece that you can see the entire image in one view. Some modern art pieces are exceptionally large so you may have to stand quite far away to be able to see the entire work without turning your head. Again, don’t think about what it means. Simply allow the piece to exist in front of you. Allow your eyes to rove over the piece, traveling side routes and then returning to the total view.

· Slowly walk toward the piece. If there are others there, wait until they are not nearby to distract your view. As you move in, try not to move your head a great deal. The effect will be you will be drawn into the artwork.

· Slowly get close to the artwork, even within a few inches. As with all art, never touch the artwork. But you can get close enough to see the intricacies of the paint or other materials used in the art work. Study these and see if you can detect the movement of the artist.

· Turn one direction and walk looking sideways at the artwork. You may have to look up and down to gather as much about every aspect of the work as you can. If you need to, crouch to see the lower parts of the work. If it is a sculpture, walk around the piece, observing every detail of its construction.

· Take all the time you need for this detailed observation of the art work. Be patient.

· Turn and walk back to your original spot without looking at the artwork. Wait looking away until when you turn, you will have a clear, unobstructed view of the artwork.

· Turn and view the entire piece again in its entirety.

By giving the art work a patient inspection such as this, you will slowly develop an intuitive interpretation of what is being communicated by the artist. You may have to come back many times and each time the work may speak differently to you. But let it get inside you and change you because that is the deeper value of truly great modern art.


Features Lewis Baber Originals

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Cheap wall art

Cheap wall art

Cheap wall art certainly is something worth talking about especially if you are somewhat of an art aficionado. Having said that, there are many places where you can view, peruse and purchase such cheap wall art. It all depends on what exactly you want to buy; this is why you must do a thorough search and see what exactly your desire. For instance, you should know that there are many pieces of art offered as replicas of other great masterpieces. Not only that, you will also be able to get this type of art on any type of material.
Having actively scoured most of the places which promise you cheap wall art, there are many sites which throw in some additional features too that make this deal so much sweeter. The fact that certain sites offer guarantees, free shipping and free wrapping helps make cheap wall art an interesting thing. There are of course certain aspects you need to be careful of when buying such art. You see, traditionally wall art should be hand painted and not printed; yet there are those who sell art as a print which makes it just a color print.
Another factor you probably need to look into would be the kind of cheap wall art you want. There are quite a few replicas of famous works. However, you may want some unique and rare masterpiece and this can in essence prove to be a hassle to find sometimes. Art, such as Starry Night by Van Gogh, Impression, the Sunrise by Claude Monet and Storm on the Sea of Galilee by Rembrandt would be incredible pieces to own. And yes, you do in fact get cheap wall art which do justice to the great masters.
With all of this in mind, you probably want to know how much cheap wall art would cost. While this can certainly differ from company to company and from painted to painter, you would probably be looking at an average of around $100. It would also be great to note the exact place most of these companies are buying from. Whatever they buy, they obviously keep a handsome margin before selling. If you really can get hold of the painter then you will find that you are up on the deal.
Another prudent thought that you probably should note is that you can in essence find painters who would be able to offer you cheap wall art. That is not all, maybe if you are a bit more adventurous you can commission a painting as well.

Features Lewis Baber Originals

Canvas wall art

Canvas wall art: Canvas wall art


Canvas wall art is a new fabulous entry into the home décor market. The worlds of art and interior design are buzzing with the new trend in home beautification that is canvas wall art. Traditionally canvas wall art has been associated with hand drawn paintings; especially paintings done by the masters of the trade have fetched great amounts of money and prestige. Also there has always been a good market for copies of the great paintings. But that is in the past. In the present canvas wall art has taken a whole different life of its own.

Printed canvas wall art, or Giclee art as it is called in certain circles, is all the rage in interior design. With the advent of high quality inkjet printer technologies it is now possible to use previously unusable heavy materials as media for digitally generated art and the results are Giclee canvas wall art. And this does not just apply to original art works. With the printing technology now available for canvas wall art, printers can now print at the microscopic level allowing the creation of an amazingly detailed reproduction of any work of art as your very own canvas wall art. But quality does not have to mean an extravagant price either. Since none of the work is manually done, your canvas wall art does not have to carry the cost of a limited edition hand painted replica or a lithographic reproduction.

But you might not even want a reproduction for your canvas wall art. An amazing number of digital artists have come up recently with designs and artwork that can blow you away. Canvas wall art has never been more in demand. Because of the amazing quality print of canvas wall art and the designs have managed to create a massive boom in popularity. And that popularity boom for canvas wall art has only served to drive prices down. Now as an art lover you can have high quality original art work for your very own and as a consumer you do not have to worry about paying exorbitant and lofty gallery prices to indulge your fine tastes.

While some may argue and prefer the prestige and individuality that comes with hand painted canvas wall art, the canvas wall art done by contemporary digital artists are still defined and counted as original prints. They are the future of canvas wall art and now is the time to indulge and take a step ahead of the rest.


 Features Lewis Baber Originals

Monday, July 20, 2020

Asian Wall Art

Asian Wall Art: Asian Wall Art
It is a well-known fact that while Europe was busy finding and conquering new worlds, Asia was looking more towards human existence and meaning. Asia is known to be a continent where people, cultures look inward to find inner peace and contentment. Many of these ideas and thoughts were put into art, thereby bringing to being Asian wall art.

Asian wall art has captured the hearts of those from every continent, bringing into light the complexity and creativity of the Asian mind. Things that man fails to express in words, man does so in art. Asian art, as they say, it, embodies the very spirit of humanism. Asian wall art is looked mainly through the eyes of Buddhism and Hinduism. Philosophies such as Zen and techniques such as Calligraphy have influenced many of these wall artworks.

Foreign interest in Asian wall art has increased within the last century. As more and more individuals started to discover the hidden treasures of the Asian continent, interest in its art forms and cultures also grew. The Far East is known as the land of Exotica!

Let us take one example to consider. One of the many Asian wall art to be seen in the present time is found in Sigiriya, in Sri Lanka. Sigiriya has also be been names as one of the marvels of the world. Sigiriya or the Lions rock is home to beautiful wall art, which speaks immense talent and artistry, This Asian wall art is famous for its temple ladies who carry flowers for the intent of worshiping Lord Buddha.

Each Asian wall art speaks of a story, a legend or a thought which is hidden deep in the heart s that particular culture of religion.

Yet some of these artifacts are facing the dangers of being lost or fading away with time. Many of these Asian wall arts were draw many, many years ago. And with time taking its toll on them, they are slowly diminishing in color and visibility. Another reason for the diminishing Asian wall art is man’s contribution. Tourism is one of the culprits.

There are methods being taken to restore these Asian wall arts to their original glory. Projects are underway, for example in Sri Lanka, to protect and recreate (without losing its originality) faded wall art. By ensuring the protection of these Asian wall arts, we protect one of Asia’s identities. Art is a message. Art is a means of communication that breaks all barriers of language and religion. Through Asian wall art, Asia speaks out to the world, telling of the wonders hidden within it and the stories that history forgot.


 Features Lewis Baber Originals

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Decorative Acrylic Painting Tips for Beginners

Decorative Acrylic Painting Tips for Beginners: Decorative Acrylic Painting Tips for Beginners

Article Body:
Acrylic painting offers many benefits such as quick drying time and the fact that it’s allergen- and odor-free. Acrylic paint is versatile and gives a lasting finish. If you’re just learning the art of decorative acrylic painting, use the tips below for a great start.

Acrylic Painting Supplies

You should have a variety of brush sizes so you can be flexible in your painting. Also, a palette or tray for painting will be useful. Other supplies include a palette knife, fan brushes, and toothbrushes. Be sure to include plenty of practice materials and papers for sketching.

Drying Time

Acrylics dry very fast, usually within only minutes, so it’s wise to keep the paint in the tube and only use a little at a time. If you prefer to use a palette, there are now palettes that will stay wet during use so your paint won’t dry out. Or, you can use a regular palette and keep it wet by spraying it with a small amount of water occasionally. This keeps your acrylic paint in a ready-to-use form.

Blending Acrylic Colors

With fast-drying acrylics, blending colors can be a trying task in itself. You can blend colors several ways. Colors can be mixed and stored in tubes or containers and then blended using a web palette. Also, you can use very small dots of different shades and overlap the colors to blend them. You can also layer shades instead of trying to blend them while wet.

Beware of Cheap Acrylic Paints

Avoid buying cheap acrylic paints unless you’re using them for practice only. These will often fade after exposure to the sunlight for a period of time, especially particular light shades such as pink and violet. Invest in artist-grade acrylics for lasting beauty in your art works.

Use Sketches as a Starting Point

It’s wise to use pre-drawn sketches as the starting point of your acrylic drawings. Trace or copy the sketch onto canvas or board. Then, use a thin layer of acrylic paint to prime the sketch. Be sure your sketch-work can still be seen through the thin layer. You can also prime the canvas or board first with white color and then copy your sketch onto the primed surface.

Masking Fluid for Layering

Watercolor masking fluid works well for layering colors or saving areas of your painting to paint later. The masking fluid can be applied to keep an area of the painting clear. You must remove the masking fluid only after it has completely dried. It can be removed by rolling it with clean fingers. Also, be sure to use a brush specifically for masking fluid. Don’t use your regular painting brushes.

Learn from the Pros

Study after a few acrylic painting pros to get pointers and learn new techniques. Artists such as Donna Dewberry (One Stroke technique) and Priscilla Hauser (First Lady of Decorative Painting) offer many great tips. You can learn creative techniques such as Trompe L’oeil or create beautiful wall murals and other great works.

Acrylic painting can be both fun and rewarding. Use your imagination along with these tips to create decorative acrylic works of art that you and your friends can enjoy for years to come!

 Features Lewis Baber Originals

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Mystical Abstract Art

Mystical Abstract Art: Mystical Abstract Art


Mystical Abstract Art

Word Count:

When attempts have been made to describe a work of abstract art many people have used words like “feelings”, “emotions”, and “soul”. I think these words are clues to what is actually happening within both the viewer and the artist.

The world of art and the environment of the mystical go back a long way together with many facets in common with one another – one being that they both seek to look into a deep unknown – and then seek to manifest it into this physical world by o…

mystical,abstract, art,pictures,spiritual

Article Body:
When attempts have been made to describe a work of abstract art many people have used words like “feelings”, “emotions”, and “soul”. I think these words are clues to what is actually happening within both the viewer and the artist.

The world of art and the environment of the mystical go back a long way together with many facets in common with one another – one being that they both seek to look into a deep unknown – and then seek to manifest it into this physical world by one means or another.

Therefore it is understandable that a non-representational picture can be difficult to comment on. The viewer might be “moved” by the artwork, but they may not really know why. I believe it has something to do with their sleeping soul being gently (or violently) shaken into a specific awareness. The earthy physical body may have very little understanding as to what might be happening, so they are left to struggle in explaining a spiritual concept from a physical point of view.

However, as an artist who has acquired (and lives by) a little understanding of certain spiritual aspects, here are my offerings of what I believe happens when a viewer comes across a mystical abstract painting.

In order to do that I want to present the whole episode from all aspects:

The Spirit
One of the Spirit’s major intentions is to bring spiritual understanding into the physical realm. One way to do that is to enter time and manifest a potential opportunity for a receptive body. That receptive body can either be the person being offered the opportunity – or the messenger of it. If they are the messenger then there are many ways in which that message can be put across … and one of them is by producing a provocative illustration or allegory in the form of an abstract painting.

The Messenger
… Or Artist in this case … Or more specifically an artist who is prone to take note of their own inner enigmatic visuals. Once inspired the artist then sets about translating these visions into a personal style of depiction. I think it is quite probable that many an artist will be unconscious of what exactly they are putting down upon the canvas … all they might know is that there is an urgent complusion to work with particular colours, or in a specific style.

The Art
A personalized manifestation of the inner visuals … portrayed on board or canvas – or any other handy appropriate medium at the time. The artist lets the visual take shape in their mind and allows for interpretation into the physical world … which results in an artwork of surreal allegory, or be-riddled story, or just a simple abstract presentation of specific colours or shapes. Each element of the art will include (or be) a potential key ready to allow the appropriate viewer entrance into its intriguing yet creative environment.

The Viewer
A receptive observer viewing the art may initially have an indefinable affinity with it. They are perhaps first emotionally drawn to the image before them. And as their thoughts begin to trigger other thoughts, gradual realizations start to become apparent … gaining strength until they acquire a personal creative understanding seen only by themselves but which may eventually involve others who come into contact with them.

The Gift
The originally unknown vision now begins to unfold its truth within the receptive viewer. This can be in many guises … a simple affirmation … a personal revelation … a specific spiritual, mental, or inner encouragement … an energizing edification for a hungry or floundering soul … offering a sense of contentment within a challenging situation … This gift can be as simple or as complicated as is required for the viewer. Its influence can be timeless – remaining relevant over a period of days, weeks, months, or years.

So the next time you seek to produce a piece of art or decide to visit a gallery do not hesitate or dwell upon any lack within you … rather open your eyes (after all they are supposed to be the windows of the body) and prepare yourself to either see in order to create – or see in order to receive.


Friday, July 17, 2020

Pablo Picasso Paintings And Releasing Your Inner Picasso

Pablo Picasso Paintings And Releasing Your Inner Picasso: Pablo Picasso Paintings And Releasing Your Inner Picasso

Painting by Lewis Baber Original Pablo Picasso Paintings And Releasing Your Inner Picasso Over the past century, a lot of painters have become quite famous with their works becoming really valuable. Some paintings from great artists can even go up to a million dollars or perhaps even more. If you want to become a famous […]

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Original Abstract Acrylic Pour 16 x 20″ Painting on Stretched Canvas by L Baber Ref 180

Original Abstract Acrylic Pour 16 x 20″ Painting on Stretched Canvas by L Baber Ref 180: M4034S-4211
EASY & QUICK TO HANG – Our entire range of Canvases are supplied stretched and ready to hang, simply place over a nail or screw and your beautiful framed art print will sit securely, making it a simple & quick process for you to decorate any of your Rooms, Hallway, Landing or Extension.
Abstract art is a unique visual language that the artist creates by using lines, colors, and shapes for the viewer to interpret. Spark conversations in your home by hanging high-quality abstract artwork in areas where you entertain the most. Our high-quality collection of abstract acrylic prints will add pizzazz to the walls in your home.

About the Artist: Abstract Expressionism: Original Hello, I am a nearly 80-year-old retired grandfather. I have been doing art all my life. I began painting in the late 1950s and I have sold many pieces of art. I recently started selling again painting mostly abstract/impressionistic paintings. Painting brings me peace and is very calming to me. I enjoy it!

Growing up in the Midwest, I was drawn from an early age to art. It spoke to me, an opportunity to lay my soul bare and to let the whole world know just what I was seeing, and just what I was thinking. Now 80 years old, I have been practicing for a long time, and art is still my greatest love. I enjoy abstract and freedom it gives me, In art, you start and keep going and keep going, and if you keep going long enough, you end up with a piece of art.
My style and ideas just come from whatever happens as I’m painting. All of my work is an original hand-painted one-of-a-kind piece of art and I hope you like it. Please check out my paintings available for sale and thank you. Lewis Baber.
Art to me is just another way of recording your thoughts, like a visual diary. I specialize in abstract art. As each of you looks at the art you will see something different. I am always available to discuss my work, I spend most of my time reflecting on what I do and getting down to brass tacks and working. Nothing makes me happier. Nothing else fills my heart and warms my spirit.
Once your payment is received I will ship your purchase within 48 hours. I always endeavor to satisfy my customer’s desires and expectations. Our merchandise is of high quality and our company has always been regarded as a reliable and responsible one by our customers. I sincerely hope that you enjoy your purchase and I hope you will consider additional purchases in the future. If you have any questions about my items, please E-mail me and I will reply to you as soon as possible.
This is my life, and I love it! It’s filled with art and so it’s filled with beauty.
If you send me your ideas I would be happy to create custom art for you.

Original Hand Made One Of A Kind
Comes ready for hanging (not framed – these have finished edges so does not need a frame).
Protective Coat has been applied to protect it from fading


Buying Abstract Paintings

Buying Abstract Paintings: Buying Abstract Paintings

Buying Abstract Paintings

Buying and collecting abstract painting can be a labor of love. I love abstract paintings. I think that my favorite medium is gouache. I recently purchased a work from Oscar Bluemner. The person I bought the abstract painting from had it in storage for over twenty years. I am going to hang this piece in my office.

I found an oil abstract painting that was dated 1947 that was painted by Louis Bassi Siegriest. I liked the composition, it felt oddly soothing. The artist signed the back of the painting. It was a little out of my price range, but I bought it anyway.

Trade Winds is the name of an abstract painting I bought from the artist Joanne Riddle while I was in Connecticut. The piece was huge and I had to have it sent by freight to my home. The blue in the painting was so vivid. The whole composition was absolutely inspired.

I bought an abstract painting for my sister-in-law last year. The artist of the piece was Leonardo Nierman and the medium he used was oil. I bought the piece unframed and took my sister-in-law to framer to choose the frame.

I tried to buy an abstract painting from the mayor of our town. I offered him two thousand dollars for the modernist abstract colorful figure. The artist used red, white and blue and I wanted to acquire this for my stepmother. She would have loved it, but the mayor was unwilling to part with it.

My mother has decorated her home in a style that she liked in Santa Fe. I bought a large abstract painting for her from her favorite artist, Lou Monti. She has seen his work in a number of homes and always raves about them. She was so happy when she saw the painting I bought for her hanging on the wall of her living room.

I dated a guy once that had a signed abstract painting by Robert Gilberg on his wall. I saw something different every time I saw it. That painting had an attraction that I just can’t quite explain. He was always buying art and changing out abstract paintings on his walls, but this particular piece always stayed. I guess he was attracted to it as well.

The abstract painting that I bought for my older brother did not work in his apartment. I ended up buying a painting that was a little too large for the room it was intended for. The colors did not work in the only room that worked for its size.

I ended up selling that abstract painting the same place that I had bought it, on eBay! I ended up making a profit on the abstract painting. There was more information in my auction about the artist, Richard Diebenkorn, than there had been in the auction that I won. I think the extra hour of research I spent made the abstract painting’s value increase.

I learned a long time ago that an abstract painting is worth exactly as much as someone is willing to pay for it. I have friends that just cannot be convinced of this basic truth. I think that if no one wants a particular abstract painting, then it is worth nothing.

My brother used the money from the sale of the unwanted abstract painting to find himself another abstract painting. He ended up with an abstract collage that was made in the late 1930s. I liked it when I saw it and it worked beautifully in his office.